Timestamp of Buziol Games and Softendo Games:
Buziol Games Website history:
Other stuff:
Some informations:
If you are interested in some history of Softendo Games, how it started from 1996 year. Check subpages in archive section.
Also you may be insterested:
Remember if you want to submit your file please contact with Softendo staff. You can do it by using contact form, or by e-mail. All contact informations you will find in contact section. If you want us to host your Mario fangame install file on or server you must remember We only able to hots 50mb files, all files over that size will be hosted on external serwers and hosting portals. Also If you need any help in game making you can go to our official Mario Forever Forum, you will find there many interesting free Mario Engines ready to make your own Mario game without any language abilities.