2019 - 03 - 08 Mario Forever in 2004 year... how creating of Human Laboratory World begin

Have you ever...

Have you ever wonder how Human Laboratory World was created? Now I can give you an answer.
Long time ago in 2003-2004 year I was asked to make a custom worlds which will contain enemies named with portal editing..
And my work just has begin. I've made world named "Human Laboratory World" which contains most of the popular editor's staff from gry.o2.pl.

Below you can see the history screens cantains Mario Forever on gry.o2.pl 

Mario Forever from 2004 year one of the first Mario Games on PC at that time.
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2004 year Human Laboratory ingame screen shots:

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Mario Games

Review of Mario Forever from 2004 by Google translate:

"Mario Forever The game was created by one person, who designed the new Mario worlds for two months! It is him who deserves a lot of applause and congratulations for perseverance, thanks to which we can now have great fun in continuing - as if not looking - one of the best games ever! We guarantee you great fun throughout the holidays, lots of boards to go, lots of laughter and a bonus - the world of gry.o2.pl! Yes, yes - we were trapped in the game. Try to beat us and find the editorial team!"

... and next they wrote:

" Our editorial team at Mario Forever!
To get to the world of gry.o2.pl, you should go to the right in the Load Game Room and in the place where you choose the bonuses, jump high and right to get to the hidden rooms and pipes with the portal o2.pl. Good luck!"

... and :

Download Mario Forever! Mario Forever only takes 19 MB, so it can literally be downloaded by any of you, and as few in the industry we do not charge you for a download, you have a FREE Game! Such a gift could only happen to the readers of our website;). Let us not prolong this joyful moment, because we know that you would like to hustle a Polish Marian (Marianna took over the editorial office;)). Below is a link to the full version of Mario Forever"

Old banner from 2004 year:

Welcome to Softendo Free PC Games! We'd like to introduce you best Super Mario Bros fangames over the internet created by people who love hubby plumber and his adventures! All games available on our site are freeware and free of viruses, so your computer is safe! Some of Super Mario Bros installers don't have certificates but we have tested all installers sended by our Super Mario Bros fans and all files have been checked. If any of the Mario Bros file is broken or virused send us information - surely we will delete and ban user who send us bad file! From our site also you can play Super Mario Bros in flash so some of the games are online. Also you can download wallpapers, levels, Super Mario 3 Mario Forever, music and free amateur soundtracks created by fans and other creators. Surely we have prepared many interesting games here, from Super Mario Bros to Mario Smash Bros and much more. Go to our Super Mario Games section and download or play online flash games! Just enjoy our games! But if you don't want to search the site we can offer you best! 
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