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Hi. I do like to show you that New Super Mario bros fangame is under develop so if you want to play Super Mario brothers Games. The Fans group named the Softendo Games (they maked first Mario Forever) wanted to make a cool fangame on the PC. The remake game will be named Incredible Mario Forever or something like that. The real title of the game is not so important. We must take a look on the gameplay! And the game gameplay will be incredible, new power-ups have been maked - for example Big Boomer Eater - will eat lesser enemies and it will splitting the fireballs in the opposite direction of the Mario! In New Super Mario Forever also you will fins more cool bonuses like Super Boo Mario, Crezy Boomber Mario, hammer Bros suit, Racoon Leaf, Tanooki Suit, and more.. check the screen shots for more about this mario game.

Mario brothers

Bon Jour to all mario freeware games fans! Again I've created recent Mario and Luigi fangame. Well, as usually it's free of charge game. Game idea is very simple - jump, collect glittery jevels, mushrooms, smiled power stars to get inviciblity. Also defeat famous evil inhabitants like goomba mario, green koopa troopas, lakitus, evil spikey, hammer brothers

Bon Jour to all mario freeware games fans

Mario Games


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Mario Forever keywords

Mario Games


​08.09.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

Yeah Mario back to the heyday of Nintendo, this mario bros game faithfully makes the classic Super Mario Bros. Although Mario Forever visual effects and Sound effects aren't exacly to those of the original, they're so close most users familiar with the game won't be able to differentiate. Well The Standard platformer action hasn't changed that is right. As the feisty tiny plumber Mario, you traverse different stages to collect golden coins while avoiding evil slaves such as malevolent spikeys and ill- fast Koopa Troopa Turtles. You won't seek for an extensive options, but well you can at least change the keys controls or away the ingame music and sounds . Well, we do think Softendo Game takes a bit too much processor time, especially considering its outdated design. Ok now interested if you were a fan of the 1980s classic Mario Games, then we doubt this freebie won't disappoint you.

Mario Forever Update to version 3.5!

Mario Games


​08.09.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

Hail to the continuation of famous Super Mario Bros Game. well After what happened in first sequel many cases on Mario Planet was changed. Evil King Bowser rebuilt his evil and giant troops and spirit princess to another planet. OK Mario is not alone. He is helped by his brother Lugi and residents of muschroom kingdom named Kinopio mighty Toad, and even Samus Babe known from metroid series. Now take a chooice and choose your best fighter with unique abilities, upgrade your space cruiser in million ways in a shop, where 50 different power arms await you and every single one of them has many Upgrade stages. Fight on 8 worlds and defeat enormous bosses while listening to climatic and dynamic mario fan based music.

Screens section update.

Mario Games


​08.08.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

Welcome to the magicious blocks land of Mario Forever. Evil and crafty Bowser King and his magician Kemek have created a new chaos machine which filling the Princess Peach land with magicious boxes. They want to fill the whole kingdom with them and on the ruinds build an Chaos Kingdom. Now stand and fight guide Mario do the victory. Over 200 logical levels awaits you, filled with puzzles and helpful items like dynamites or magicious ladders. Many days of fun for the whole family.

Mario Forever Minix - submit your score!

Mario Games


​08.08.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

Welcome to the magicious blocks land of Mario Forever. Evil and crafty Bowser King and his magician Kemek have created a new chaos machine which filling the Princess Peach land with magicious boxes. They want to fill the whole kingdom with them and on the ruinds build an Chaos Kingdom. Now stand and fight guide Mario do the victory. Over 200 logical levels awaits you, filled with puzzles and helpful items like dynamites or magicious ladders. Many days of fun for the whole family.

Super Mario Block Party

Mario Games


08.08.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

In this amazing Flash version of the 2001 Nintendo GameCube game "Super Smash Bros. Melee" and the 2008 Nintendo Wii game "Super Smash Bros. Brawl", you can battle it out with 28 different characters (13 to begin with and 15 more that can be unlocked), including Mario, Luigi, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow the Hedgehog, Megaman, Zero, Samus Aran, Fox McLeod, Captain Falcon, Link, Zelda, Kirby, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Jigglypuff, Naruto, Inuyasha and 9 more. In addition to the full-featured single-player mode, you can also play against a friend in VS. mode. See the game for details of how to play. There is an interactive "How to Play" tutorial that you can access via the Data / Archives option from the game's main menu. There is also a "Help / FAQs / Strategy Guide" for the game which you can view in a pop-up window by clicking on the button below. Your progress will be saved automatically so that you can unlock more characters and stages when you return to the game in the future, but you must play it in this website again in order to be able to re-use the saved data.

Promote Buziol Games Software on your www site.

Mario Games


08.08.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

Mario and Sonic Flash combines some of your favorite classic game characters. There are four characters in total in Mario and Sonic Flash. Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Brothers as well as Sonic and Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog. The actual game play is based on the original Sonic the Hedgehog. You must collect as many gold rings as possible and gain as much score as possible, in as little time as possible. Each player has their own unique ability to help them through the levels. Sonic and Tails have their original abilities. Sonic can spin extremely fast allowing you to move at very high speeds and jump extra high. Tails has the same abilities as Sonic as well as his bushy tail which allows him to fly. Mario and Luigi can each shoot fireballs which helps to destroy enemies and break through brick walls. Mario has the ability to grip on to a wall, so if there are to walls close enough together you can jump from one to the other to get higher up. Luigi can run and jump at a very fast pace which helps to get across long gaps. Mario and Sonic Flash looks and sounds good, the only problem I found is that sometimes if you are moving to fast your player can get stuck against the wall for a few seconds. Other than that this is a good freeware game that will provide some entertainment.

Game - Mario and Sonic Game Flash

Mario Games


08.07.2006 17:54:02
by Softendo Games

In this delightful little game, you can play as Sonic, Mario or a host of other gaming favorites. The basic idea is to walk through the world and collect rings and starts by playing mini-games within the game. The graphics are fun at first glance and the ability to be just about every character is very nice BUT the gameplay leaves alot to be desired. I don't think enough time has been spent on the physics and there are far too many bugs in my opinion. If you're a fan then check it out, but I'm warning you that you may be dissapointed.

Game - Super Mario vs NWO

Mario Games



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Softendo Games

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