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Metroid fangames are popular in console games society. If you likes Metroid game from Super Nintendo, this one should fit your thoughts - game idea is the same like in the Super Nintendo console. You must collect special items, go trought rocket entrances, kill aliens, and find the mighty Metroid - the nightmare creature capable to destroy and absorb all materia! Fight in many colorful sceneries - from lava land from Metroid game, or caves. Use metamorph ball to complete tight places and shoot the rocket to kill hard enemies. ( Game is very similiar to the ROM from SNES or NES, but the game is fangame and free, the oryginal one propably is much better but the ROM's are illegal!!! )

Download Metroid Fangame Confrontation

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This is the secound and optimized part of the Metroid fangames sequels - Metroid fangames are popular in console games society. If you likes Metroid game from Super Nintendo, this one should fit your thoughts - game idea is the same like in the Super Nintendo console. You must collect special items, go trought rocket entrances, kill aliens, and find the mighty Metroid - the nightmare creature capable to destroy and absorb all materia! Fight in many colorful sceneries - from lava land from Metroid game, or caves. Use metamorph ball to complete tight places and shoot the rocket to kill hard enemies.

Metroid Fanmage Confrontation - Download Free Metroid Game

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Metroid M fangame is another free Metroid fangame download. Your main objective is to discover planet Odoor and find living instances like enemies or plants. You must discover all hidden places to get samples of fauna and flora. Destroy all incomming and dangerous enemies to deal way to complete the science mission. Good luck.
Download Metroid M Fangame

Free Fangame - Metroid M

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Mario Games
The Metroid Redemption Fangame - created by Jimmy Skid for Metroid fanmage community. Another fangame basing on popular Metroid realm. The mighty shiny yellow armed women with guns and rockets must fight agains enemies. This time your ship is landing on blue planet Shhoorda, you must fight again with the willains and find the way how to fix your vessel. Good Luck!

Download Metroid Redemption - Free Metroid Fangame

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Mario Games
Metroid ROM - Metroid Rage of Metroid. Another fangame based on popular hero women armed and strong like superman in fancy armour. The game idea is simple, most likely gameplay was based on the Metroid game from Gameboy, or Metroid from Super Nintendo. So all fans of Metroid series should find something new in this production.

Download Metroid ROM - Rage of Metroid free fangame

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Mario Games
Metroid Wiki - this is a compilation of logic and platform game based on Metroid game realm. Your main objective is to answer for the questions based on weapons, worlds, enemies, aliens, the metroid kinds and other things similiar to the metroid games from nintendo consoles.

Metroid Wiki

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Mario Games
The Metroids - we'd like to introduce you a newly created free Metroid fangame created by new amateur game development team. As any other Metroid fangame relased by Mario City this propably is the most advanced in graphics and platform movement. Your main objective is to discover newly seen planet in galaxy - Metroid Planet. Use many kinds of weapons and power-ups. Increase firepower by collecting bonuses, complete huve rooms, and fight against enemies. Have a nice playing time.

Metroids Games - Free Excellent Metroid Fangame

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Mario Games
Mario Games
Po Szkole game was created by Nickson Edenburg. The game was created basing on the popular Super Mario Bros platform game. But the author of the fangame named the new eight worlds Po Szkole because it's meen Jumper in his language. The game is very simple just run and jump over the many colorful levels made by author. Music is ok, the level development also is ok so the Super Mario Bros fans should have enough fun with this small free Mario fangame.

Po Szkole - Free Super Mario Bros game

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Metroid Prime Fangame - simple modyfication of oryginal Metroid Fangame. Many interesting options, like savegame, shop, upgradavle weapons system and rocket packages. Kill zombies, enemies, aliens,big creatures to find the mighty Metroid monster and anihilate him!

Metroid Prime Fangame - Free fangame download

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Mario Games
Super Mario Bros Halo Fusion is the first oryginal free Mario game created by amateur game creator. What's meen the otyginal? Well, this fangame is a fusion of many games. First off the Super Mario Bros game was mixed with Megaman, Metal Slug, Metroid, Halo 1 and Halo 2 realms. This version contains eight worlds filled with weapons from Halo game from X-Box console, also you can fight in Megaman X 1 and Megaman X 2 world by selecting the four box world. Defeat evil doctor robotnix machines like machanic frog, giant robots. Throw everything you will find, vegetables, weapons, apples, rocks, blocks. Fight inside the underwater beasts. The Super Mario Bros Halo Fusion is a good alternative for all platform 2d games and all Super Mario Bros clones. If you need more screen shots just click on the links below: Super Mario Overworld, Super Mario Underground Entrance, Super Mario Rain Forest, Super Mario Underwater, Super Mario Overworld 2, Super Mario World, Super Mario War, Super Mario Battle, Super Mario 2,Super Mario 3, Super Mario Bros, Super Marioland, more screens and cheats can be found in cheats section. Have a nice playing time with the free Super Mario Bros Halo Fusion fangame.

Download Super Mario Halo

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